Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Male Subvertisement (Friday Expirimental Fiction!!)

Guys, a recent study found 4 out of 5 women prefer men with brown hair!  But don’t take our word for it; listen to what these women have to say!

“Nothing’s hotter than a guy with brown hair.”

“I feel so much more comfortable approaching guys with brown hair.  Me and my girlfriends do it all the time.”

“A date with a guy who has blonde hair—some fast food restaurant and a lame movie.  A date with a guy who has brown hair—picked up by his limo and driven to the symphony, great seats I might add.  Afterwards?  We took the Porsche on a wild midnight ride all the way to his private beach “cottage.”  Guess who I’m going out with now?  Guess who’s got tickets to Paris?”