Friday, August 20, 2010

This Guy Gets It.

"feelin it":

HIGHLIGHT (what's this?)
New York
August 18th, 2010
11:13 am
The problem is with the American Dream itself. It's dying. The idea of a great job that paves the way for a happy life is over. Corporations have become gigantic engines of homogenization that destroy creativity. The corporate culture of America is designed to treat workers as cogs in a machine, where they do one or a small series of repetitive motions over and over. That stifles innovation - the fundamental engine of growth for this country.

Most everyone is in a job that requires 9 hours a day which comes to a grand total of half of your adult life (if you sleep for 8 hours a night). And to spend that in a job doing a repetitive motion really belittles ones mind. These kids think, and dream and hope and aren't bound by the ideology of the baby boomer generation "if you can just get a job everything will be fine".

To these kids, a job is just a form of modern day slavery. At best, indentured servitude. You'll earn just enough to pay your debts and if you save every penny, cut corners, clip coupons, don't have children and pack a lunch for 30 years - you might just break even. But in the mean time we'll ask you to contribute a portion of your earnings to something you'll never get a payout from (Social security). We will set your tax rates to a level that just about lets you get by while racking up debt to maintain tax subsidized industries (Oil) and ask you to fight wars on their behalf. We'll have two sets of laws - one for you (middle class) and one for the super rich. But hey, you'll have a job. A job! A good ole job!

That's the current American dream. The kids are smarter than their parents in that they are rejecting the bogus ideology of the opportunity for a fair shot at success. That's not what it is anymore. It's about the have's versus the have nots. And more and more, the have nots are just choosing not to participate in a system where the deck is stacked against them.